God IS Real…. In His Faithfulness
John 14:16-17: And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Counselor to be with you forever. He is the Spirit of Truth. (HCSB)
John 14:26: But the Counselor, the Holy Spirit—the Father will send Him in My name—will teach you all things and remind you of everything I have told you. (HCSB)
Mid-December, I was sitting in one of the waiting rooms in the Emergency Department at our local hospital. I had been greeted pleasantly at the front entrance desk area. I was sent to the immediate waiting area with only a few folks, sitting at least six foot apart and all wearing masks. No one except the “patient” there for treatment was allowed to stay around in this area. “The Parking Garage is just back to the left and family members can wait there,” the staff told me.
My name was called for room five. Nurse took my vitals and asked why I was there. I’d had an unexpected mass surgically removed twelve days before and now was bleeding (gushing earlier in the afternoon) and needing attention to stop the pain and flow. As I was moved via wheelchair from this Triage room to another waiting area, I asked to go to the bathroom. She provided a new Depend and another large bed pad which I folded to keep the flow from taking over.
Two and a half hours passed. I did have my phone which allowed me to check in hourly with my husband who was sitting in the parking garage. I received a text message from a special friend: Good Evening my friend and sister, I was thinking about you and wanted to know how are you feeling and what are the doctors saying. I love you and I am praying for you. Many blessings.
WOW! That was a welcomed text. I wrote back immediately: Do you know about today or is it just OUR wonderful Holy Spirit’s calling in your heart?
Her response: Our Holy Spirit is calling in my heart!
God is REAL! The Holy Spirit came to me through this friend in a definite time of need in my life. I had to smile. I was so grateful for the concern of a “Sister” who genuinely wanted to know how my surgery had gone and how I was feeling today.
I did respond for her to pray for me while in the emergency department, but to also pray for my husband who needed God’s strength during this time, too, as he waited alone in the parking garage.
I was flooded with memories of times that the Holy Spirit has shown up in my life and all I needed to do was acknowledge it was His answer to whatever I needed at any given moment!
As recorded by John, Jesus told his disciples that God would send a Comforter, the Holy Spirit, to be with us. AND God did! The Holy Spirit brings God’s Word alive in our hearts when we read His Word as well as when we have Scriptures come to mind.
Put God’s Words in your heart. Psalms 119:11 was one of the first verses I memorized as a child: Thy word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against Thee. This verse tells me to keep studying His Words. Knowing His Words will keep me from making wrong choices, if I only seek His face. When I need the Comforter, He is there for me. He will reminded me of His Words that He is with me always even to the ends of the earth (Matthew 28:20).
Ask Him to show you His personal touch. God's Presence was with me in my emergency.
Be grateful that He is REAL and does come to us through His Presence and His people!
In His Faithfulness….
