Here you will find Truths—statements, verses—from God’s Word. God changes lives every day through His Words. He is faithful and His Words do not come back void. (Isaiah 55:11 - So will My Word be which goes out of My mouth; It will not return to Me void (useless, without result), Without accomplishing what I desire, And achieve the purpose for which I sent it. Amplified Bible)
The first Truth I want to share in this blog comes from the Old Testament when Joshua took the position of leadership in Israel after Moses.
Choose life so that you and your descendants may live; Love the Lord your God, Obey Him, and Remain faithful to Him. Deuteronomy 30:19-20 HCSB
There are times in our lives when we need a specific foundation on which to stand. We need a truth that is constant and down to earth. We want to know that there is a place to learn, a place to go to for answers, a place to stay awhile, a place for guidance. When my family was going through circumstances beyond our control several years ago, we looked for Truth that would carry us through the next day, the next week, the next few months, and keep carrying us through the unknown steps of life which were ahead of us. Deuteronomy 30:19-20 became our “theme song.” We daily can choose life and live! There are three things God asks from us: 1. Love the Lord your God; 2. Obey Him; 3. Remain faithful to Him.
No matter our age or position in the family, we could do these three things. Love God as you know to love Him. Tell Him in your prayers you love Him. Sing songs offering praise to Him showing God we love Him. Acknowledge daily what He has provided for us. Look around and be grateful. Recognize His love for us.
To obey Him, means do what you know He last told you to do. Have you done that request? What Bible verses do you know? Are you obeying them? Change your actions so they are in line with what you know to be true to God’s Word. Then God will show you the next action steps.
Remaining faithful to Him brings us to the daily responsibilities of living the example Jesus set for us. A common phrase several years back was “WWJD, what would Jesus do?” Doing what you know is right for you from His Truth is so important at any moment in time. To hear God’s Word in the most difficult of times requires you to seek His face and do what you know He last said for you to do. Keep looking to Him for His voice to speak in your heart. Pause to listen. One of God’s characteristics is faithfulness. He is faithful. He can not, "not be faithful." We can be faithful to Him by leaning on His Love and His Presence every day.
Choose life! This theme has continued to prove God’s faithfulness in our family. The circumstances may not change, but my attitude and approach to every day’s events can be focused on choosing life with God’s Presence surrounding every breath.
This is truth for your heart!

Thank you for your words of encouragement