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Who, But God ...


God, in His faithfulness, gave me a special mentor as a teenager. Shirley Rose and my father, Nelson Bridges, both were interpreters for the deaf. When my father went to deaf conferences, I got to go with him. Sometimes we would go to Toccoa for the state deaf meetings. To save on the overnight expenses, Daddy would room with some of the deaf men and I would stay with Shirley. She began to be there for me as a mentor.

After going off to college, I continued to keep in touch with her whenever I was back in my home town. Over the years Shirley was the one with whom I shared my deepest concerns, wants, and desires. When I became a single Mom, I would drop by her home once a week with my Wendy’s lunch in hand and sit on her couch as I poured out my heart.

God was faithful in our friendship. He gave me the opportunity to be loved through this friendship and mentorship by a woman who loved Him, too.

Who, but God, would have known that I was at the hospital to visit her that last weekend of her life. Who, but God, could have allowed me to lean over her at nine o’clock at night and say, “I’m so glad I came see you.” Shirley clearly said with a smile, “I’m so glad you came.” That was 45 seconds, my “good-bye” until we meet again in heaven, that only my God in His faithfulness could have provided.

Who, but God, five days later after the graveside service, would have known that I would tell Shirley’s husband, “We will be praying for you. Let us know if you need anything.” And 10 days later, Homer Rose was in my home telling me, “I want to marry you in three months.” (Ok, readers, you need to know that Homer took care of his Wife for three and a half years giving her kidney dialysis several times a day at home. He calls himself a “wife lover” and he truly loved Shirley and took care of her every need until God, in His faithfulness, took her home to be with Him. Homer would tell you today that “the walls were coming in on me. I knew Diane wanted to get married so why not ask her?!) I told him absolutely not. He said, “Pray about it!” Ok. I sent him home.

God in His Faithfulness took a freckled-faced tenth grader and grew her up into a woman who was seeking Him first in her personal relationships. I was not looking for a husband. I had written, with God’s help a list of 13 things I wanted in a godly man if God saw fit to give me one again. I prayed over that list for seven and a half years. So here I was, praying for this man who has told me he wants to marry me. God reminded me of the list. Again, God was working! Homer Rose was all 13 things on my list AND I knew so much more about him since he’d been around my life for so many years!

God in His Faithfulness answered my prayers for a godly husband, because He does care more about me than I could possibly every understand here on this earth.


In His Faithfulness. . . .



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